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Have you been sexually harassed in the workplace?

Get help from an attorney with extensive experience in sexual harassment litigation. Watch below to learn more and contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Watch now to see attorney Craig T. Matthews share how his firm can help you or any employee who is faced with being sexually harassed in the workplace.

Litigating a sexual harassment case starts with filing a complaint, naming the employer as a defendant, and detailing each and every instance of sexual misconduct that the employer engaged in. If a client feels that they are being sexually harassed they should call me because I can help them. They are in a situation where they are overwhelmed. They are a little employee in a big company or they are an employee that is working for a boss that is taking advantage. They need help, they cannot do it by themselves. That is where I come in – I can help them. I can give them the support, the guidance, and advice that they need to stop that situation.

Why choose us to represent you?

The attorneys at Craig T. Matthews & Associates, LPA resolve disputes with effective negotiation based upon thorough preparation. Clients in communities throughout Ohio, can expect confident, professional and rigorous advocacy. Craig Matthews has been selected as one of the Top 100 Litigation Lawyers in the State of Ohio by the American Society of Legal Advocates. The American Society of Legal Advocates is an invitation-only, nationwide organization of elite lawyers in practice today, drawing its membership from lawyers who combine stellar legal credentials with a proven commitment to community engagement and the highest professional standards. Avvo rates Craig Matthews at a superb 10.0, achieving Top Attorney Litigation.


Call us now at 937-434-9393 or use the form below to request a free initial consultation with an attorney.

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Learn about sexual harassment in the workplace.

Watch the 8 video segments below to get more information and guidance for what to do next.

1. Sexual Harassment Victim? Here’s What To Do

2. Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

3. Sexual Harassment: Your Damages

4. #MeToo / After Hour Workplace Harassment


5. Sexual Harassment: Written Policies

6. No One Thinks They Sexually Harass

7. Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Let’s Talk

8. Mixed Signals / Sexual Harassment


Know Your Rights. What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?

It’s crucial to understand all the different ways in which sexually harassing behavior takes place and how the law defines it.

Sexual Harassment can take a variety of forms, including: Sexually offensive or explicit comments, jokes and questions. Degrading or sexual physical conduct. Sexual propositions or advances. Obscene acts or gestures. Obscene or explicit photos or literature within view of employees. In real life, sexually harassing behavior ranges from repeated offensive or belittling jokes to a workplace full of offensive pornography to an outright sexual assault. It can happen to men and women, gay or straight — in other words, sexual harassment is an equal opportunity offense. Fortunately, there are state and federal laws that protect workers from sexual harassment on the job. Technology and social media encourage behaviors that lead to sexual harassment, portraying coworkers as fantasies. Sexual harassment is not a fantasy. It is harassment and nothing more. Employers are well advised to clean up their workspaces by educating employees and enforcing strict policies and procedures to stop this ever-growing behavior.
Sexual harassment plagues far too many workplace environments. Women regularly call us reporting sexual misconduct throughout Ohio. From Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Springfield, and beyond. The most common mistake people make when dealing with sexual harassment or retaliation is failing to document in writing their reports to human resources or superiors. It is imperative to report the misconduct to the appropriate individuals in writing, because at the end of the day, if the boss is the perpetrator, the human resources department is controlled by him… While this is not always the case, it is important to take every precaution in order to protect yourself from these situations, including documenting all occurrences in writing and reporting to human resources or your supervisor in writing and make sure you can prove you submitted the written report. Take the initiative to educate yourself on what sexual harassment really is, and what you can do to protect yourself. Contact us today and learn more about what to do when you encounter sexual harassment in the workplace.